Taylor Management Systems Blog

EOS Implementation: Objectives and Manufacturing Leaders

Written by Rob Taylor | Jun 17, 2024 10:22:54 PM

Achieving success isn't only about profit margins and market share. It can in many cases be more about creating a coveted work-life balance where owners, employees, and customers are aligned and moving deliberately in the same direction. This goes beyond just finding the right “fit.”

Rob Taylor continues this week with Leisa Fox, hosting the Iowa Manufacturing Podcast and presenting our second installment on EOS implementation, and examining the true sense of ownership that tends to follow alignment having everyone “in the right seat.” At the heart of it all lies ‘nirvana,’ which for business leaders can in one way be translated as consistently “happy customers” and authentically fulfilled employees.

See the full show notes here: https://iowapodcast.com/clow-valve-mark-willet-rob-taylor